A mere 16 pages apart in March’s Ensign, two references to ‘tentacles’ can be found. Tentacles. Like
an octopus. One reference suggests that they are tentacles of temptation, while
the other calls them the tentacles of Divine Providence, which I’ll likely
refer to as the tentacles of testimony, for alliteration’s sake.
“In some regards, Satan is like an
octopus trying to capture us. If one tentacle
does not work, he will try another and another until he finds one that takes
hold. Following are some of the tentacles of the evil one designed to cause us
to break God’s standard of morality.” Elder Tad R. Callister, March 2014
Ensign, “The
Lord’s Standard of Morality” (emphasis mine)
“Though some of the sheep may wander,
the eye of the Shepherd is upon them, and sooner or later they will feel the tentacles of Divine Providence reaching
out after them and drawing them back to the fold. Either in this life or the
life to come, they will return.”
Elder Orson F. Whitney, quoted in March
2014 Ensign, “Faithful
Parents and Wayward Children” Elder David A. Bednar (emphasis mine)
The following are several examples from pop culture that
prominently feature tentacles. With our newfound knowledge of the possibility
of the tentacles representing temptation or testimony, we can find all sorts of
fun, surprising connections (or completely inaccurate Gospel analogies, whatever
floats your boat [until some tentacles of temptation come and sink it]).
The Darkness believe in a thing called love. Perhaps their
love vanquishes these tentacles of temptation, blasting from their guitars like
a concentrated laser beam? (The relevant portion starts at 2:49. It is a music video, so be aware.)
Captain Nemo and his crew fight valiantly against the giant
squid. Although, perhaps the squid was simply extending the tentacles of
testimony and Divine Providence, hoping to bring them back to the truth and
they refused to see the light, resisting by any means necessary.
Jack sacrifices himself to the Kraken and its tentacles. But is he going to a better world or symbolically giving in to his dark side? (Tentacles come in around 1:30)
Davy Jones is Tentacles. And the Kraken strikes again. Temptation or Testimony?
Ursula. A list of Tentacled creatures/people wouldn’t be complete without her. Temptation. Hands down. Unless, I’ve been misled my entire life and she is actually the heroine that suffers a tragic fate…
A brief exploration of tentacles. Be aware next time you feel something reaching out and encircling you ask yourself- is this a tentacle of temptation or testimony?
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